結晶構造・磁気構造やその励起状態の観測にについて、J-PARC MLF, JRR-3の中性子・ミュオン実験装置を実際に使って学べる内容になっておりますので、お近くの大学院生の方や若手研究者の方にお知らせして頂きたいと思います。
本スクールでは、中性子・ミュオンの特性とその実験手法を、世界で活躍する第一線の研究者による講義によって学び、さらに大強度陽子加速器施設J-PARC MLFや研究用原子炉JRR-3の実験装置を用いた実習を行うことで、その理解を深めることができるプログラムとなっています。中性子・ミュオンを用いた物質研究に興味がある国内外の大学院生、若手研究者の多くの皆さんのご応募をお待ちしています。すでに中性子・ミュオンビームを利用されている(あるいは今後利用を検討されている)研究室主催者の皆様におかれましては、学生や若手研究者の教育の場としてぜひこのスクールを活用していただき、研究室からの参加を後押ししていただければ幸いです。なお、オンラインでの講義のみの参加も可能となっております。
現地参加(Hands-on trainingを含む) : AYA’S LABORATORY量子ビーム研究センター(旧IQBRC)およびJ-PARC、JRR3
内容:中性子・ミュオン科学の基礎とその応用に関する講義とJ-PARC MLFやJRR-3の実験装置を用いた実習
Invitation to the 8th Neutron and Muon School
We are pleased to announce the 8th Neutron and Muon School in 2024.
Neutrons and muons are powerful probes in materials research. Notable experimental techniques include determining the crystal and magnetic structures of materials using neutron elastic scattering and observing lattice vibrations and magnetic excitations via inelastic scattering. Neutrons can also be used for imaging measurements utilizing their large penetration depths and for analyzing surfaces and interfaces through reflectometry. Muons act as highly sensitive local probes capable of detecting magnetic order and its dynamics in bulk and thin-film samples.
In this school, participants will learn about the characteristics of neutrons and muons and their experimental methods through lectures by leading researchers active worldwide. Furthermore, participants will apply the theories to actual experiments through hands-on training using the instruments in the J-PARC MLF and the JRR-3.
We invite applications from graduate students and young researchers from both Japan and abroad who are interested in materials research using neutrons and muons. We also encourage laboratory heads who are already using neutron and muon beams (or considering their future use) to utilize this school as an educational opportunity for students and young researchers and to support their participation. Please note that online participation is also possible only for lectures.
- Date: 9th December – 13th December, 2024
- Venue:
Lectures and Hands-on training (on-site participation): AYA'S LABORATORY Quantum Beam Research Center (Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan)
Lectures only (online participation): zoom
- Scope of participants: Graduate students, Postdoctoral fellows and Early career researchers from both universities and companies.
- Application deadline :
23rd Aug. 2024 for on-site participants (lectures and hands-on training)
22nd Nov. 2024 for online participants (lecture only)
- Participation fee:
Lectures and Hands-on training (on-site participation): 33,000 JPY
Lectures only (online participation): Free
[further information]
Contact: nm-school@cross.or.jp