The 4th J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2024)
October 14-18, 2024, Mito, Japan
1st circular
November 8, 2023
We are pleased to announce that the 4th J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2024) will be held on October 14-18, 2024, in Mito, Japan.
The J-PARC started its operation of a neutron beam facility in May 2008, a muon facility in September 2008, a hadron facility in February 2009, and a neutrino facility in April 2009. The output beam power of the accelerators is steadily increasing with the progress of the beam tuning and hardware upgrades. The output beam power of the rapid cycling synchrotron is reaching its design goal of 1 MW, and the main ring synchrotron achieved the operation for the neutrino facility at
500 kW.
According to the symposium theme, "Futures of J-PARC, Futures by J-PARC", we will discuss the achievements from 15 years of J-PARC operation together with the progress in relevant fields around the world. We then will discuss future and upgrade plans of J-PARC and other facilities.
The symposium program consists of plenary, parallel, and poster sessions. The scientific program will cover particle and nuclear physics, material and life science, accelerator science, target and related technologies, and R&D for nuclear transmutation. Public lectures for the general audience and a J-PARC tour are planned as well.
The web page of the symposium can be found at
We are looking forward to seeing you in Mito in October 2024!
Takashi Kobayashi
J-PARC Center Director
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee
+ Venue
Mito City Civic Center
1-7-1, Izumicho, Mito-city, Ibaraki, Japan, 310-0026
+ Date of the symposium
October 14 (Mon, Japanese holiday)
Public lecture for general (Japanese) audience
October 15 (Tue) - 17 (Thu)
Symposium (Plenary, parallel, poster sessions)
October 18 (Fri)
J-PARC tour
+ Contact
J-PARC 2024 Secretariat:
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